
I just realized that my daily ritual of “I have other stuff to do. Blogging can wait until tomorrow,” has turned into almost a month without a post. And honestly? I wasn’t that busy. I was that lazy. Yup. I’m gonna be real honest. I’m tired most of the time and my lovely laptop is once again on it’s last leg. I need it to work for four more weeks and then it can finally crap out. For this reason alone I have started to use my computer only for school work and for those few things I can’t do on my phone.

Four. More. Weeks. Just four and then my time in grad school will be over. Done. I can have my evenings back. I might even read a book in one sitting! Or I could sleep. Yeah, sleep sounds good.

I’m still volunteering at church and I really enjoy the time with the kiddos. I’m very behind on reading the Bible and having quiet time with the Lord each day. I set my alarm and then sleep through it. When you stay up late to get homework and exercise in you tend to be a little sluggish in the mornings.

One thing I have kept up with is working out. I haven’t lost much weight but I have started making exercise a part of my day. I found the Doonya workout DVDs and I’m in love. I have an obsession with India and Bollywood so when I saw a glowing review for the DVDs I knew I needed to get it. At only 25.00 for the set it’s a very practical and economic choice. No crazy meal plan, no expensive equipment, just dancing. I just have to watch my snacking which is why I haven’t lost more than I have.

The thing for me to remember is that while it’s taking me a while to get where I want to be, at least I’m making progress.